Evergreen Ferneries was one of the earliest operational ferneries in the United States. We have an aerial photo here of the earliest fernery locations and the Pemble homestead (date unknown)
(The main road pictured in the aerial photo was at this time called Tavares Rd. Nowadays the road is HWY 441. 4 lanes of high speed hustle and bustle)
First Generation Fern Business- Frank Pemble Sr
In 1920 an entrepreneurial minded, Frank Pemble Sr. began planting Asparagus Plumosus seeds imported directly from Italy. He constructed shade houses made with wooden slats and began growing!
Second Generation Fern Business- Frank Pemble Jr
During the middle of the 1900’s, approx 1950, Frank Pemble JR became the 2nd Generation of Fern Grower and owner of Evergreen Ferneries. It was at this time that he expanded on the use of tropical leaves and also worked feverishly on the construction of the greenhouses that would be used by Evergreen for years and years to come!

Very proud moment here, 3 Generations of Pembles pictured here at youngest Lance Pemble (will be 4th Gen) wedding.Pictured Brandon Pemble far left, Frank Gordon Pemble, 3rd Generation Fern Grower and current owner of Evergreen Ferneries second, Frank Pemble JR third in pic and Lance Pemble on the right
Third Generation Fern Business- Frank Gordon Pemble
In 1978, Frank Gordon Pemble, goes by Gordon, purchased Evergreen Ferneries from his dad. From 1978 to the current day, Gordon’s determination, unmatched work ethic and drive have made this business continue to thrive. He has been through many economic ups and downs and has continued to keep the ship rocking and rolling! We are unbelievably thankful every day for his dedication to this business!

Family is everything!
Here we have Frank Gordon with his wife Judy along with both sons. Sons, Brandon and Lance Pemble, with their whole families. Enjoying a wet but wonderful trip to Sea World during the Christmas Holidays in 2023.
Fourth Generation Fern Business- Lance and Dakota Pemble
coming soon...